Faculty of Literature and Humanities
The Education Department at Global University is committed to cultivating a dynamic learning environment where students develop as critical thinkers, innovative problem-solvers, and globally-minded citizens. We provide diverse educational programs, cutting-edge research opportunities, and unwavering faculty mentorship to empower learners to reach their full potential and make meaningful contributions to society.
Our vision at the Faculty of Health Sciences is to become a global leader in transformative health education, research, and practice. We aim to inspire advanced healthcare practices, foster interdisciplinary collaboration, and drive impactful innovation for the well-being of individuals and communities in Lebanon and beyond.
Education Department
Our mission at the Department of Nursing is to educate, empower, and prepare future nursing professionals through evidence-based practice, interdisciplinary collaboration, and a commitment to excellence in healthcare delivery, nurturing compassionate nurses who positively impact individual and community health outcomes.
The Education Department at Global University aspires to be a beacon of educational transformation in Lebanon and the greater Middle East. We envision a future where our graduates are highly regarded for their intellectual rigor, cross-cultural competencies, and commitment to driving positive change in their communities and the world.
Program Description
The Education Department at Global University is dedicated to preparing the next generation of educators, scholars, and leaders who will be effective leaders in the field of education in Lebanon and beyond. Our programs are designed to foster critical thinking, cultural understanding, and a passion for lifelong learning.
We offer a range of undergraduate and graduate programs that cater to diverse interests and career aspirations:
Bachelor of Education
This comprehensive program provides a solid foundation in educational theory, pedagogy, and subject-specific knowledge, preparing students for careers in teaching and related fields. Four tracks are offered:
- English Education
- English and Early Childhood Education
- Mathematics Education
- Science Education
Master of Education
This advanced program allows students to specialize in areas such as curriculum development, educational leadership, or educational technology, equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to lead and innovate in their chosen field.
Teaching Diploma
This program is designed for individuals who have a bachelor’s degree in a subject other than education and wish to pursue a career in teaching.
The Teaching Diploma provides students with the essential knowledge and skills needed to effectively teach in primary or secondary schools.
Career Areas
In addition to our academic programs, we offer a variety of enrichment opportunities, including:
- Research opportunities: Students have the chance to engage in cutting-edge research projects under the guidance of experienced faculty members.
- Professional development workshops and seminars: We host a variety of workshops and seminars on topics relevant to education, providing students with ongoing opportunities for professional growth.
- Our faculty members are internationally recognized experts in their fields, bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience to the classroom. They are committed to providing students with a supportive and challenging learning environment that fosters intellectual curiosity, creativity, and a passion for making a difference in the world.
Upon completing the requirements for the three-year Bachelor of Arts in Education program, Teaching Diploma, and/or Masters of Arts in Education program graduates can can pursue the following roles:
Roles for Graduates
Diverse career paths await our graduates. With a solid foundation in educational theory and practice, combined with their passion for making a difference, our alumni are equipped to make a long lasting impact on the lives of learners.
The roles our graduates can work in Include:
- Classroom Teacher
- School Administrator
- Curriculum Developer
- Guidance Counselor
- Educational Consultant
- Educational Researcher
- Educational Technologist
- Instructional Designer
Non-Traditional Roles:
- Corporate Trainer
- Non-Profit Education Specialist
- Educational Writer/Editor
- Educational Entrepreneur
قسم اللغة العربية
التميز والتفوق في علوم اللغة العربية وآدابها، وتعزيز النهضة بلغتنا على الصعيدين المحلي والعالمي.
النجاح في إعداد المناهج والبرامج التعليمية والبحثية ذات الجودة العالية لنشر علوم اللغة العربية وآدابها، وإعداد أجيال من الخريجين ذوي الكفاءة والمهارة وتلبية احتياجات المجتمع في حقول:
التعليم، والتخطيط التربوي والأكاديمي، والاستشارات اللغوية المتخصصة، والتأليف والتحقيق والتحرير الإعلامي.
برنامج اللغة العربية
إن برنامج البكالوريوس في اللغة العربية قد تم إعداده وتطويره طيلة ما يزيد على عقدين من الزمن بغية تأسيس منهج نموذجي متكامل يلبي حاجات المجتمع الفكرية ويسد ضروراته التربوية بتخريج كوكبة مميزة من الطلاب ذوي الكفاءة والإتقان يواكبون متطلبات العصر ويصلون التراث المشرق بالمستقبل الواعد والعمدة في ذلك التأسيس السليم والمبني على التمكن في الدراسة والجمع بين القواعد النظرية والنواحي التطبيقية.
ومن أبرز مواضيع الاختصاص:
- علم النحو
- علم الصرف
- علوم البلاغة
- علم العروض والقوافي
- فقه اللغة
- فن الإلقاء: النثري والشعري
- فن الخط العربي
- تقنيات التعبير والكتابة
- الفنون الأدبية الشعرية والنثرية
- عصور الأدب العربي
- الأدب الصوفي
- النقد الأدبي
- الأنواع الأدبية الحديثة
فرص العمل
- تعليم (مدرسي و جامعي)
- تخطيط التربوي والأكاديمي
- استشارات لغوية متخصصة
- تأليف
- تحقيق
- تحرير إعلامي
Islamic Studies Department
coming soon…
coming soon…
Program Description
coming soon…
Career Areas
coming soon…