
Global University’s undergraduate faculties cover a broad spectrum of academic fields, with each operating independently and offering a wide range of creative and unique educational and research activities. Global University continues to emphasize the founding principles of independence, self-respect, and academic excellence throughout all of the faculties.

Our Mission is to advance education’s role in the well-being of people and communities. The Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FAS) adheres to the purposes of advancement of all good knowledge, skills, and education of youth in all manner of good literature, and sciences; and all other necessary provisions that may conduce to the education of the youth of this country.

Our mission is to provide students with educational access to sound knowledge, multi-disciplinary high-quality health skills & values, & evidence-based professional practice necessary to succeed in a knowledge-based & competing market. FHS graduates shall be able to adapt to the rapid changes in the health field & to maintain the highest professional standards.