
From elementary school students to Ph.D. candidates, every member of Global University is encouraged to think critically and participate in the scientific method: to discover problems, formulate hypotheses, and offer new solutions for the future.

Learning while teaching, teaching while learning
at Global University

Global University makes no distinction between teacher and student in this longstanding tradition of learning. Students and teachers alike must continually learn from one another.

Innovative Academic Programs

Global University offers a variety of academic programs across 10 undergraduate faculties and 3 graduate schools. Global University offers tomorrow’s leaders an education that encourages scholarship alongside the values of equality, independence, and initiative. Gain access to the collections of one of Lebanon’s largest libraries and take advantage of the wealth of information at your fingertips. See below for more information on some of the latest and most innovative academic programs Global University has to offer.


The undergraduate faculties at Global University cover a diverse range of academic disciplines. While practical learning, each faculty applies themselves in the spirit of free-thinking, offering creative and distinctive educational and research activities.

Faculty of Literature and Humanities​

إن كلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية هي كلية استثنائية لاتصالها بالمجتمع والتصاقها بحاجاته وبناء عليه فإن مهمة هذه الكلية مهمة استثنائية كيف لا وهي كلية تمد الجسور بين الأمم من خلال اللغات المختلفة والآداب والترجمة وهي إحدى دعامات العلم قولاً واعتقاداً وممارسة. ويكفيها شرفاً كونها تعد المعلم إعداداً جيداً وتدربه أنفع تدريب ثم تجعله كالأب يلتف من حوله أبناؤه ولا ترضى بأقل من ذلك.

Faculty of Administrative Sciences

The main vision of the staff members of the faculty is to make the Faculty of Administrate Sciences a center of scientific and technological excellence nationally and internationally and serve the community as they stride towards this goal.

Faculty of Health Sciences

It is well known that good human health contributes to a healthy society & better economy.


An introduction to the graduate schools and their cutting-edge research.

  1. Masters of Business Administration
  2. Masters of Education
  3. Masters of Arabic Literature
  4. Teaching Diploma

Other Programs

The undergraduate faculties at Global University cover a diverse range of academic disciplines. While practical learning, each faculty applies themselves in the spirit of free-thinking, offering creative and distinctive educational and research activities.

Faculty of Literature and Humanities​

إن كلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية هي كلية استثنائية لاتصالها بالمجتمع والتصاقها بحاجاته وبناء عليه فإن مهمة هذه الكلية مهمة استثنائية كيف لا وهي كلية تمد الجسور بين الأمم من خلال اللغات المختلفة والآداب والترجمة وهي إحدى دعامات العلم قولاً واعتقاداً وممارسة. ويكفيها شرفاً كونها تعد المعلم إعداداً جيداً وتدربه أنفع تدريب ثم تجعله كالأب يلتف من حوله أبناؤه ولا ترضى بأقل من ذلك.

Faculty of Administrative Sciences

The main vision of the staff members of the faculty is to make the Faculty of Administrate Sciences a center of scientific and technological excellence nationally and internationally and serve the community as they stride towards this goal.

Faculty of Health Sciences

It is well known that good human health contributes to a healthy society & better economy.

Other programs

The Teaching Diploma is geared towards providing students with practical knowledge and training to help them become professional elementary, intermediate, and secondary school teachers in various specializations: literature, math, science and social fields.

Cisco Networking Academy is an IT skills and career building program for learning institutions and individuals worldwide. Self-paced courses are designed to take at your own pace, at any point in your career journey. More than 6 million people have joined the Networking Academy and become a force for change in the global economy since 1997.

the English Department provides two solutions for enhancing communication skills. The Intensive English Program is meant to enable students coming from French background or students who are generally weaker in English to develop excellent language skills. The English Extension Program caters for working persons who wish to enroll in one of our executive programs, or need to enhance oral, listening and writing skills.

هدفنا أن نحافظ على إرث الماضي ونقدمه للأجيال بقالب جديد يتآخى مع الحداثة ويلامس التطور من كل زواياه، بما لا ينتقص من أدبياتنا ولا يتعارض مع قيمنا وبما يضمن مشاركة أوسع من المجتمع وقبولاً أكبر من أفراده فإن من كان همه إيصال النفع سعى بكل السبل المتاحة ولان كما تلين الأغصان.