Global University
Global University is a high quality educational institution established in 1992 to provide students with superior education and a chance at becoming leaders in today’s global market at a reasonable cost.
At Global we take pride in our commitment to lifelong learning. Our continuous workshops offer a dynamic platform for students, alumni, and professionals to expand their knowledge and stay ahead in their respective fields. Join our next workshop today!
At Global we take pride in our commitment to lifelong learning. Our continuous workshops offer a dynamic platform for students, alumni, and professionals to expand their knowledge and stay ahead in their respective fields. Join our next workshop today!
Our competitive tuition rates, coupled with a variety of scholarships and financial aid options, help students pursue their academic dreams without excessive financial burden.”


Batrakiyeh Campus
Batrakiyeh street, Beirut P.O. Box 15-5085 Lebanon
Tel: (+961) 1358058
Fax: (+961) 1358059

Doha Campus
Dohat el Hoss, Beirut P.O. Box 15-5085 Lebanon
Tel: (+961) 1358058
Fax: (+961) 1358059
Batrakiyeh Campus
Doha Campus
Success Stories